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Louisea Miller ♥ im everything youd expect from a normal fourteen year old.Love my friends. Im reasonably tall, long brown hair, got reaalyy blue eyes and im an average weight :).

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Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Chapter 4- Under Some-One Elses Control

I sat there watching Ailsa, our first dancer perform her routine perfectly until she was distracted by her pipsqueak boyfriend started shouting a little too loudly, well screeching rather. She tried to carry on and cover it up but she mixed up her footing and tripped over her own feet. It was quite a shame, she was pretty knew to the club but she was rather full of herself, to be perfectly honest she was a teachers pet.
There was three more dancers on before it was my turn. I was trying so hard not to show my nerves but I felt terrible and I was starting to get cold. I watched as the judges started hard into every flick and tremble each dancer put it. Watching carefully, almost hopeing for you to make a mistake and if you do they give you this look that makes you feel so much worse about it than you should. Ughh I hated it! I suppose they were only doing their job but then again why would you chose to do that for a living. The girl dealing with the horrible feeling at the moment was Dana. She was an amazing dancer, she moved so swiftly and everything she did seemed so flawless but she was always so nervous and insecure. No one knows why, there must be a reason behind it because everyone envied her. She was a lovely girl just a little to quiet. She was trying her hardest you could see it. She was just too nervous to perform her routine without shaking. I waited for her score and applause and I was astonished when the judges held up a 7.8. That was a ridiculous score. Ok, she was nervous but she moved beautifully. As I headed over to the mats in the corner of the room to warm up again and do some final stretches I couldn't help but think tonight was going to be a disappointment for most of our dancers.
The dancer after me got a seven which was just enough to get her through, but she looked severly dissapointed. SHe should have been grateful , afterall im not sure many of us would make the grade tonight. The girl after her, Anna, shot her parents a nervous glance and walked over to her coach. After a minuite or so coach announced that Anna would be withdrawn from the evaluation. I felt sorry for her a little but I couldnt help being suspicious that she did it for attention. She seemed the type.

As took off my legwarmers and slowly made my way to the middle of the hall floor,all eyes on em, I felt a shiver run down my spine and suddenly my nerves disappeared. Well almost! I turned and winked at Dylan, and stood in my starting position. As the music started I felt myself move exactly in time to the music. I felt as if someone else was controling my body. I felt I had never danced so well in my life. What was wrong was I halucinating,dreaming or going crazy. It had to be one of them. As my music got faster and more jumpy I put even more effort into my twists and turns. I ended up being so caught up in my trance I forgot my routine and had to make it up as I went along. Which wasn't so bad after all, considering I finshed with a huge apllause and a score of 8.6, which may I remind you is the highest yet. I smiled happily at the judges, took a bow and floated over to where Becci was sitting. She gave a hug and smiled at me, whispering in my ear,
"Told you I''d find something", she said beaming.

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